In 1996, Richard Bartle, co-creator of MUDs (multi-user dungeons), released his Bartle taxonomy of player types and introduced us to the concept of the Explorer. Explorers are the types of gamers who prefer exploring...
In 1996, Richard Bartle, co-creator of MUDs (multi-user dungeons), released his Bartle taxonomy of player types and introduced us to the concept of the Achiever. Achievers, also known as “Diamonds” or informally as “Achievement...
Recently, we reviewed Pandemic, a game that’s beloved by plenty of date night gamers but also hated by a few who have succumbed to “quarterbacking.” What is quarterbacking? Quarterbacking in a co-op game is...
In 1996, Richard Bartle, co-creator of MUDs (multi-user dungeons), released his Bartle taxonomy of player types and introduced us to the concept of the Socializer. The Socializer, naturally, enjoys games for the social components...
Recently, a thread on reddit popped up titled “Gamers of Reddit, what are good videogames to play with your non-gamer girlfriend?” Which is a thread that pops up a lot. This time it just...
In 1996, Richard Bartle, co-creator of MUDs (multi-user dungeons), released his Bartle taxonomy of player types and introduced us to the concept of the Killer. The Killer, as the name suggests, typically enjoys games...
The Bartle taxonomy of player types is a system for classifying and labeling types of video game players based on a 1996 paper by Richard Bartle, the co-creator of MUDs (multi-user dungeons). It’s not...
Recently, a good friend of mine has been frustrated because her fiance spends his free time gaming and it’s a hobby she’s not into. In her words, “It’s a key part of his identity...